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What is your favorite song of all time?

Kevin A. Parido

What are you favorite songs of all time? This summer I have been jumping around from song to song that are my all time favorites. There are so many good songs. One of those that gets me every time: Willie Nelson and Ray Charles’ “Seven Spanish Angels”. This song has it all - story, great musicians and soul. The song has soul. You can feel it. When Ray comes in saying, “Well, well, well.” If you know you know.

The Psalms are full of soul. Of joy, of pain, or story. The are the real accounts of the people who placed their faith in God. They are heartfelt and honest.

I think we could all use some honesty and fullness across the spectrum of emotions now. I think we could use to hear those that crafted songs that hold the wholeness of a human’s experience with God.

I invite you to join us at 9:50 am on Sunday mornings at First Fire-Trinity to dive into the Psalms together.

Here is the schedule:


21 - Psalm 1

18 - Psalm 19


4 -Psalm 23

11 - Psalm 24

18 - Psalm 25

25 - Psalm 26

October - month off


6 - Psalm 37

13 - Psalm 40

20 - Psalm 51

27 - Psalm 118

And for those that want to join via zoom, here is the link:

Kevin Parido is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Kevin Parido's Personal Meeting Room

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Have a great day,




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