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Kevin A. Parido

A prayer for a rainy, sleepy day


First and foremost awaken us to the reality of Your love.

Awaken us to the fact that we are created by You, and sustained by You.

Break down our illusions of being self made people.

Free us from the bondage of deep sleep.

Awaken us from our slumber of illusion, control, fear

and all else that eats away at life.

Awaken us to the depth of Your call.

Let us see with clear eyes our need to participate with You in Your mission in this world.

Let us see our part, our call with such clarity and passion that we can pursue nothing else.

Let us see the distractions of this world for what they are.

Let us not settle for the comfortable, convenient or the disposable.

Awaken us today.

To Your love for us,

Your love for others,

and Your love for this world.

Teach us to be your hands and feet to all that we meet today.

In all ways, and in all things, awaken and enliven us in ways we have not yet experienced.


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